Matt eversmann black hawk down
Matt eversmann black hawk down movie
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Black Hawk Down -- An American War Story -- Little Went As Planned In Somalia Battle
THE MISSION - a daylight raid to capture a Somali warlord's top assistants - should have been simple.
But by the next morning, 18 U.S. soldiers and nearly 500 Somalis were dead. This series - running daily in The Seattle Times - is the first detailed public account of the disastrous Oct. 3, 1993, Battle of Mogadishu.
Matt eversmann black hawk down
What happened that day, during a U.S.-U.N. humanitarian effort in Somalia, has had a profound effect on American foreign policy since.
With badly injured Pvt. Todd Blackburn on board, the little convoy sped out of the treacherous side streets of Mogadishu to a wide road, and for a stretch the firing abated.
As the men approached the sea, well south of the target building, the road was mobbed with Somalis. In the lead Humvee, Staff Sgt. Jeff Struecker's heart sank. How was he going to get his three Humvees back to base through all these people?
His driver slowed to a crawl and leaned