Philippe sainte-laudy red vision canvas art

  • Philippe sainte-laudy red vision canvas art
  • Red vision tv2.

    About Philippe Sainte-Laudy

    My name is Philippe Sainte-Laudy, I live near Strasbourg in France.
    My goal in the world of photography is to strive for originality, and create my images into an artform.

    Photographer by passion for years, I like in particular the photography of landscape and nature generally.
    Always in search of the best light and of the most original angle, I "hunt" all the time the most beautiful places which surround me.

    I also like optimizing and working my images with software as: Photoshop, Aperture or Lightroom.
    The beauty of nature is all around us at all times, but there are brief moments when a combination of elements present themselves in a truly spectacular way.
    Anybody who is fortunate enough to witnesses one of these events will look back fondly upon the memory.
    And they are even more fortunate if they happen to have a camera ready to record the event.
    In order to be in the right place at the right time, it is necessary to understand the complex intera